Distribution and informing about the song-book

The intent of the creators of this material is to make this song-book available to everybody at no charge. Therefore, you will always be able to download the latest version from the web site of The Students’ Tourist Club „Maluch” as .pdf files. The author can also e-mail these files as an email attachment, when requested.

To make the song-book available to as many people as possible, please obey the following rules:

  • Distribution of the song-book, in any form, is allowed only in its entirety, i.e., it is to include the title page, this page and illustrations, and the fee charged may not be higher, than the distributor’s incurred cost.
  • In cases where the information about the song-book is placed in any publication (including web pages), information that this song-book is available on the internet, at no charge, must also be included, along with the location, which is https://maluch.elka.pw.edu.pl/spiewnik-lemkowski/lemko-ukrainian-song-book/.
  • Placing excerpts from the song-book (applies also to individual songs) requires concurrance from the author.

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Wojtek Chemijewski, updated: December 22nd, 2001